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Every city, like every country, has its own bizarre peculiarities, so we were more than surprised about the central cemetery in Vienna during a conversation when we found out that the cemetery is also used as a park and green area by the Viennese. ...
Visiting the excavations of the Hellenis…
A very big town with the welcoming atmos…
The Viennese Karls Church, a Roman Catho…
As part of the series of events “50 ye…
The archaeological museum is located in …
During last year's Caravan Salon in Dusseldorf and the CMT in Stuttgart countles...
Often there are the unexpected things in the course of the day that lead to an e...
Active holidays are booming, this will also become clear at Fahrrad- & Wande...
05-05-2022 | Hits:2029
We want to spend the next few days of our preparatory tour with our friends Lydi...
16-01-2022 | Hits:2343
The interested queries of some readers on the subject of "Roman roads" prompt us...
07-03-2025 | Hits:6214
Every city, like every country, has its own bizarre peculiarities, so we were mo...
22-04-2020 | Hits:5140
Brilliant sunshine in April had motivated us to take another walk, far away from...
05-12-2017 | Hits:4888
During our introductory discussions Giorgos also told us about one of the many s...
01-06-2017 | Hits:6379
On the Pelion you will find more than 40 mountain villages and small coastal tow...
11-10-2020 | Hits:6233
British or Irish Citizens who are not staying in Turkey for more than three mont...
02-11-2016 | Hits:181466
After some explorations in the city of Shkodra and the surrounding areas, we als...
29-12-2018 | Hits:350468
After our ascent to the Castle of Prague, which is called Hradčany (Hradschin o...
09-10-2015 | Hits:7289
During our first stay to visit the two sinkholes in Imotzki we had not found the...
07-10-2016 | Hits:197911
In search of further stations within the Camper Route, we stopped at the idyllic...
08-10-2015 | Hits:15532
Within the framework of our project "A journey of Intimacy and Culture along th...