Wild Water Rafting on Alara River in Turkey

For professional rafters and beginners. There are lots of wild water streams coming down from the Taurus Mountains, but a few of them are really difficult to handle on rafts. You need a well-trained body with powerful muscles to move down safely. Permission is also required.

However, on a few stretches of the Körprülü river, which passes through the Köprülü National Park, rafting is possible for beginners as well. All year long there are guided tours for groups of rafters on the river. You will see some really wonderful sights, noisy waterfalls as well as peaceful stretches.

There might be a small break for a barbecue in the open air. Enjoy your day, but remember, the water will be really cold at the beginning of the year, because it comes straight down from the snow covered mountains. For professional rafters there is a part of the Manavgat River where they can practise their sport. It is much more difficult to handle the rafts in those sorts of places so please make sure you go out with an experienced guide.

Enjoy your day on the water!


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