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Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in the modern 21st century, whether in the media or by high-ranking political leaders, it always has great political significance and a profound impact on human interaction, even though the actual namesakes of the...
Franziska Maderthaner interweaves repres…
The next day was also marked by a furthe…
Not far from Kusadasi and another highli…
Readers have written to us several times…
After arriving at the Camper Stop Prince…
A trade fair visit should always lead to new discoveries in the areas of interes...
In 2022, Jörg again invited to the meeting of the bicycle caravan fans in Wunsc...
Tinkerers and hobbyists are numerous - sometimes you do it off with a tired smil...
30-03-2022 | Hits:12268
Coming from Zurich, our route again led past the Rhine Falls, which, at 23 meter...
16-09-2023 | Hits:1696
As part of our project "Comprehension and Cultural Journey along Roman Roads" we...
09-02-2021 | Hits:18168
Our project trip should also take us to the ancient Roman city of Aquileia in wh...
19-06-2022 | Hits:2275
It was simply the research for another destination of a bike tour in Burgenland ...
20-04-2018 | Hits:11085
For every culturally interested visitor to the ancient Roman city of Ohrid on th...
20-11-2016 | Hits:7745
After crossing the Rio Andirrio bridge at Patras, we had reached Peloponnesus an...
28-04-2018 | Hits:9239
Again and again there are encounters that are neither expected in their form nor...
13-11-2015 | Hits:5193
Within some talks together with the brothers Zampetas to promote local business ...
25-10-2023 | Hits:1242
As is unfortunately the case too often, this time our time window was too narrow...
14-03-2019 | Hits:6985
We were impressed by the size of the fortresses, which from the distance from th...
07-10-2016 | Hits:231977
In search of further stations within the Camper Route, we stopped at the idyllic...
17-12-2016 | Hits:69632
After a few days of organizational office work in Germany, we supposed to go via...