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Every city, like every country, has its own bizarre peculiarities, so we were more than surprised about the central cemetery in Vienna during a conversation when we found out that the cemetery is also used as a park and green area by the Viennese. ...
Visiting the excavations of the Hellenis…
A very big town with the welcoming atmos…
The Viennese Karls Church, a Roman Catho…
As part of the series of events “50 ye…
The archaeological museum is located in …
With the handover of the BTurtle, the mini-caravan for bicycles, about 3 weeks a...
Another e-bike tour was coming up and once again we chose the Prahljust campsite...
As relative newcomers on a section of the Main Cycle Path, we were quite astonis...
15-02-2021 | Hits:4659
The Friedensweg, well-known and popular with backpackers, which stretches throug...
14-05-2020 | Hits:7262
If you are traveling in different regions of Germany, you will occasionally come...
31-12-2017 | Hits:7315
It was once again only a short stopover in the north of Germany but we wanted to...
01-08-2019 | Hits:16823
At the time of the Roman Empire, Avenches, at the time called Aventicum, was the...
13-08-2018 | Hits:5569
Several times, when leaving Camperstop Zampetas for Perea, we had been walking a...
07-11-2016 | Hits:119345
About two hours we had already crossed the mountain valleys and canyons until we...
13-05-2017 | Hits:16719
Kato Gatzea is a small fishing village on the west side of the Pelion Peninsula...
23-12-2013 | Hits:9331
The classification of hotels is a great chance for all accommodation companies t...
19-07-2024 | Hits:722
We were in Poland again for a family communion and, despite the late hour and ra...
04-11-2017 | Hits:7171
Singidunum was once the name of the ancient Roman city at the mouth of the Sava ...
08-10-2015 | Hits:15517
Within the framework of our project "A journey of Intimacy and Culture along th...
09-08-2017 | Hits:127805
During the exploration of the Budavari Siklo cable railway at the castle mountai...