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Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in the modern 21st century, whether in the media or by high-ranking political leaders, it always has great political significance and a profound impact on human interaction, even though the actual namesakes of the...
Franziska Maderthaner interweaves repres…
The next day was also marked by a furthe…
Not far from Kusadasi and another highli…
Readers have written to us several times…
After arriving at the Camper Stop Prince…
Today we are going to the well-known Vondel Park in Amsterdam, which is located ...
We had already covered part of the way around the Geiseltalsee on foot, now we h...
Not just long trips for many days or in distant regions, a short trip with the B...
20-11-2022 | Hits:1664
Since the 19th century, the official opening of the carnival session has taken p...
26-04-2023 | Hits:1419
Despite many experiences in life, there is always something new, previously unkn...
27-04-2023 | Hits:2649
We got to know Chris better during the German-Turkish Friendship Festival in Izm...
28-05-2019 | Hits:3241
After some compulsory-busy and hectic pre-Christmas days, Brita had taken the af...
20-12-2013 | Hits:6140
‘A passive house is a building in which a comfortable interior climate can be ...
23-12-2013 | Hits:5858
European people who come to Turkey to spend their holidays over here, are allowe...
05-06-2018 | Hits:12191
After a brief exploration of Argilos, a strong downpour had completely weakened ...
14-07-2016 | Hits:18546
Our explorations in Halkidiki had us led to the ruined city of Olynthus, despite...
19-09-2015 | Hits:12804
For traffic reasons Robi had chosen the route through the Valley of Poljica to O...
22-02-2024 | Hits:1154
We were to encounter another surprise during our visit to the Aleš Gallery in H...
09-10-2016 | Hits:184065
Our first tour through Sremska Mitrovica had led us to the office of Vlada (in t...
31-12-2022 | Hits:2571
Despite the freezing cold and after a very good meal at the port of Gedingen, a ...