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Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in the modern 21st century, whether in the media or by high-ranking political leaders, it always has great political significance and a profound impact on human interaction, even though the actual namesakes of the...
Franziska Maderthaner interweaves repres…
The next day was also marked by a furthe…
Not far from Kusadasi and another highli…
Readers have written to us several times…
After arriving at the Camper Stop Prince…
As one of the first customers and users of a BTurtle in the Ruhr area, we had go...
A trade fair visit should always lead to new discoveries in the areas of interes...
Despite all efforts, we can not continually review all of our articles for up-to...
07-10-2023 | Hits:2168
A long-discussed myth over the centuries that has not yet been conclusively clar...
08-12-2024 | Hits:337
A very special experience takes place in Naumburg during Advent: "Christmassy in...
01-05-2021 | Hits:2006
Every hike, at least if you walk through nature with your eyes open, always brin...
05-09-2022 | Hits:5473
As already reported in a first blog article, the destination of our trip into th...
31-10-2016 | Hits:317893
After a few days of mostly cloudy skies with light rain showers, the sun is back...
22-11-2016 | Hits:26288
When two people celebrate wedding, this is always a special event, not only for ...
09-02-2024 | Hits:8541
The olive tree needs a long time to grow big, but after that can get several hun...
11-07-2024 | Hits:39056
As one of the two starting points of Via Egnatia on the Balkans and as a possibl...
12-10-2023 | Hits:1765
We were able to spend unforgettable days with Robi and his family in Split. Not ...
02-07-2019 | Hits:10574
The infrastructure projects funded by the EU in recent years have not just provi...
06-10-2015 | Hits:7251
What in the high season between Omis and Split on the coastal highway 8 creates ...
08-02-2018 | Hits:7772
For Sultan Mehmed II, after the fall of Constantinople, Belgrade and the complet...