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Franziska Maderthaner interweaves representational and abstract painting. She masters her medium with virtuosity. She uses quotes from art history in her paintings with pleasure and knowledge. Conversely, she treats contemporary themes with baroque ...
The next day was also marked by a furthe…
Not far from Kusadasi and another highli…
Readers have written to us several times…
After arriving at the Camper Stop Prince…
As part of our joint exploration trip to…
Again we wanted to do something like a half-day tour (a small picnic on the way ...
We have had a number of occasions on using and reporting about the mini-caravan ...
Once again, the glorious sunshine lured us onto our bikes and the decision was q...
21-09-2017 | Hits:5472
Rudolstadt is situated in the valley of the river Saale, which runs from the sou...
06-12-2016 | Hits:10706
Mainbernheim is located on the medieval "Goldene Straße". The Reichsstraße onc...
10-01-2024 | Hits:4962
For this day we planned a city stroll along the Amsterdam canals and bridges, wh...
25-01-2024 | Hits:2410
Rembrandt's works were also a destination on our tours through Amsterdam. Howeve...
03-12-2023 | Hits:69367
Coming from Ohrid, we followed the shore road along Lake Ohrid, making a short s...
21-12-2013 | Hits:6506
Relax and enjoy the panoramic views when flying between 100 to 300 metres high a...
05-12-2017 | Hits:4925
During our introductory discussions Giorgos also told us about one of the many s...
19-02-2024 | Hits:6753
Wilbrand of Oldenburg, at the time Bishop of Paderborn and Utrecht, was very clo...
02-05-2024 | Hits:1753
Our first visit to Warsaw also brought us to the banks of the Vistula, the river...
10-09-2015 | Hits:37857
During our second visit to Solin we were again visiting the ancient ruins of Sal...
19-07-2024 | Hits:748
We were in Poland again for a family communion and, despite the late hour and ra...
28-09-2015 | Hits:15133
Again and again you meet interesting people on the go, so there was now again an...