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Franziska Maderthaner interweaves representational and abstract painting. She masters her medium with virtuosity. She uses quotes from art history in her paintings with pleasure and knowledge. Conversely, she treats contemporary themes with baroque ...
The next day was also marked by a furthe…
Not far from Kusadasi and another highli…
Readers have written to us several times…
After arriving at the Camper Stop Prince…
As part of our joint exploration trip to…
Wonderful early summer weather lures people outside, if possible into the green ...
With great excitement and interest in the meeting with the blogger and image fil...
Tinkerers and hobbyists are numerous - sometimes you do it off with a tired smil...
27-04-2023 | Hits:2628
We got to know Chris better during the German-Turkish Friendship Festival in Izm...
20-02-2022 | Hits:2062
The Borbach has its headwaters not far from the Witten district of Schnee and th...
28-12-2018 | Hits:4056
The “Road of Megalithic Culture” connects Osnabrück and Oldenburg in 33 sta...
18-12-2018 | Hits:28996
Further preparations as part of our project A Cultural Journey along Roman Roads...
23-10-2023 | Hits:69610
Early in the morning of the following day we had arranged to meet with Perparims...
28-07-2020 | Hits:6139
Post offices are mainly small and sometimes hard to find. You need to look for s...
16-03-2021 | Hits:2641
Comparable to the Red Cross in Europe, there is an aid organization in Turkey th...
25-12-2018 | Hits:3501
On the way to the south of Albania, we reached Tirana and the port city of Durre...
05-10-2023 | Hits:2044
Once again traveling on the highway from Izmir towards Augsburg, we chose the se...
19-11-2017 | Hits:5869
From the 6th to the 4th century BC Thracian and Scythian tribes immigrated to th...
07-05-2021 | Hits:6112
Our visit with the extended tour of the Stari most bridge was so impressive that...
09-10-2016 | Hits:181597
Our first tour through Sremska Mitrovica had led us to the office of Vlada (in t...