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After our ascent to the Castle of Prague, which is called Hradčany (Hradschin or castle town), we have chosen the path through the parkland towards the observation tower Petřín, which is modeled on the design of the Eiffel Tower and measures more ...
From the campsite "Unter dem Jenzig" in …
Of course, we were excited in looking fo…
The UNESCO World Heritage town of Quedli…
Recent excavations at Tepekule Hill near…
The Marubi Museum is pleased to invite y…
Although we had only just roughly cleaned the e-bikes (the forest paths on the F...
As already announced, there were to be further discussions on the German-Turkish...
Wonderful early summer weather lures people outside, if possible into the green ...
13-04-2018 | Hits:3301
The next day was to be followed by another tour of downtown Halle, so Detlef did...
25-06-2020 | Hits:5365
In our blog article "Ghost beech in Bad Kösen" we had already described a secti...
22-11-2020 | Hits:4985
The small town of Bad Bibra is in the Saale-Unstrut tourist region and in the Sa...
07-12-2022 | Hits:3424
Appointments in Koblenz and near Frankfurt brought us to Lahnstein for the overn...
25-02-2017 | Hits:12486
In ancient times the Struma, as a significant river, formed the border between t...
23-12-2013 | Hits:5128
Couple of our readers were asking if we can organise trips to some of the famous...
20-12-2013 | Hits:6171
‘A passive house is a building in which a comfortable interior climate can be ...
13-01-2017 | Hits:18869
The further we follow the Sacred Road uphill and have passed the first treasures...
27-03-2025 | Hits:236710
From the campsite "Unter dem Jenzig" in Jena (station 45 in the Camper-Route) we...
28-10-2023 | Hits:1185
After the really informative and family-oriented days with the Bralic family in ...
10-07-2021 | Hits:4242
Everywhere in Poland, where there are sailing centers, you can also do windsurfi...
06-11-2015 | Hits:7776
Meanwhile, after more than a year on the roads across the Balkans and in Turkey ...