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At the invitation of the Camping Club Serbia, we drove from Belgrade along back roads above the Danube to a campsite near Smederevo, where we planned to attend the club's annual meeting. ...
As a port town, İzmir has always been s…
Once again traveling on the highway from…
Historical Treasures to Unearth at the 3…
Whenever the word "Crusades" is used in …
Franziska Maderthaner interweaves repres…
For the 18th time the Paderborn cycling day will happen this year. An event whic...
A trade fair visit should always lead to new discoveries in the areas of interes...
Our trail checking experiences in Alanya, in Oymapinar and at the Tahtali logica...
28-12-2018 | Hits:4137
The “Road of Megalithic Culture” connects Osnabrück and Oldenburg in 33 sta...
16-08-2020 | Hits:7017
Located just a few kilometers below the well-known Rudelsburg, the historically ...
15-07-2023 | Hits:1465
Now that we wanted to spend a few days in Schleiz because of the 100th anniversa...
11-07-2019 | Hits:15500
Our route to Zurich leads via Schaffhausen, so what could be more appropriate th...
03-01-2018 | Hits:12117
Once again we were on the way to Sithonia, the still lovely sunshine in mid-Nove...
08-02-2024 | Hits:27813
Karaman or Karmi is undoubtedly the prettiest and most well-kept village in Nort...
31-03-2018 | Hits:2960
The history of the area of today's city of Athens goes back to about 7500 ...
01-05-2016 | Hits:30150
Within our project "A journey of Intimacy and Culture along the Roman Roads" we...
22-08-2017 | Hits:6005
In the first part of the pedestrian zone of Cheb, formerly called Eger, the typi...
22-08-2018 | Hits:9162
After a first, morning recovery phase of the exhausting descent with coffee and ...
12-06-2023 | Hits:2133
As already described in the article "Off to the city centre of Warsaw", we first...
09-10-2015 | Hits:7397
During our first stay to visit the two sinkholes in Imotzki we had not found the...